The Calling is a multimedia installation in which drawing, 3D elements, projected images and sound are combined. A herd of life-size rams made of poultry netting are gathered in a darkened space. They are waiting; they are listening. Some are stuffed with maps formed into balls, plastic hosing, electronic circuitry, machine patterns or small columns; others are empty. White light and projected slides (of photographs, hand-colored xeroxes and drawings) illumine the setting. The images follow this course: the spiral, the Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,…(the mathematical formula for the spiral): single and paired circles, mazes and labyrinths (from prehistoric to current images including ram horns, Ionic columns and capitals, mechanical drawings of machine parts and their patterns (stellar dishes)); mushrooming forms (clouds of atomic bomb blasts); centered images (Bull’s eyes, dead fish eye, gauging and range finding, targets in the heart/in the mind/at the center of being); physics (subatomic particle paths); from point A to point B. A kind of chant fills the room. All elements in The Calling are essentially props, prompting the viewer to stand there, open, attentive, listening, ready to know and to answer. The Calling is an instance of aura, of the Divine and of Nothingness.