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Reinventing Ritual

The Jewish Museum, NYC 2009

Ner Tamid/Eternal Light


Mort & Marcy Friedman Tribute Event
The Center at 2300, Sacramento, CA
In affiliation with the Library and Mosaic Law Congregation
January 10, 2010

Offering, 2010

Stars Emanating, 2010

Ner Tamid (Eternal Light)

2003, color radiant film, wire, letters and light
Spertus Museum of Judaica, Chicago, IL
(Collection: The Jewish Museum, NYC)

Sedar Plate (And This Would Have Been Enough)

Color radiant film, spatter covers, letters, symbols, springs, clips, thread and light
The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco
New Works/Old Story: 80 Artists at the Passover Table, 2008

Treasure/Tikkun Olam, 2010